Saturday, December 20, 2014

Steven Universe: "Lion 3 Straight to Video"

Steven Universe: Lion Three Straight to Video

       Guaranteed to make you cry in 11 minutes or less


Telling a coherent story in a 11 minute time frame is no easy task. You have to establish story, character, and closure within a short allotted segment. Within that plot you also have to get your audience engaged and care about these actions before the commercial break starts again.  Steven Universe is able to do this week in and out without a problem. So with this episode for what I assume is the last one of the year, goes out with a sentimental bang and it is full of so many warm feelings that it is the perfect tale to ring in the holidays with.

Judging from the title, I had foolishly expected to be a fun but silly conflict similar to Watermelon Steven  involving Steven and his pet Lion, Lion. Maybe they would rent out a video and get it would come to life with them as the stars or Lion would eat it and would project the images on his body but instead I got something so unexpected yet the signs were all there. The episode starts off in the doughnut shop with Steven, Lion, and Sadie. Sadies Mom always packs here lunches even though Sadie believes she has grown out of it. She lets Steven takes one and Steven slightly wonders how his Mother would make his lunches. That following night, lion begins to be somewhat aggressively loving towards Steven which will in turn lead him to a beautiful solace in Lions mane displaying a time capsule island of Stevens mothers treasures. One of these things is a old video tape and when it is played be prepared to have the tissues ready because it is Roses final farewell to the world, Greg, and her first hello to Steven.

It is trickery territory to talk about death and loss of a parent in children's television. However, the talented people behind this show and Adventure Time always use animation as a platform to distinguish emotions or fantasy to demonstrate these feelings in a non threatening way that kids can understand. Using Lion mane as a secret portal to access Roses beloved memories is a wonderful to symbolize how the people who have left us live on not only in the safety of our mind but by the things they held most dear. The tears cried at the end were not tears of grief but tears of joy. Roses beautiful words to Steven about how she lives on in the happiness he shares in the world is so touching because even though she is a superhero gem her last monologue is no different than any other mother. It is an impressive task to make someone feel so uplifting joyous in a short amounted time frame and as the year comes to a close Steven Universe has showed me repeatedly it can be beautiful, silly, and fun simultaneously before the next ad break. Well done crew. I look forward to the new year and more Steven.

Cool Things Noticed:

  •  Sadies last word to her Mom about her to not stop making sandwiches was such a sweet note to end on. It is great how the episode came full circle.
  • Oh my gee. I love that pink lion. Is there Pink Lion merch on sale yet? I. WANT. ONE.
  • I find it odd that the gems did not go to watch Roses video. It seems like a good treasure to share with them. But I do not doubt it will be Stevens only viewing so they will probably be around for the next one.
  • Pearl watches Steven as he sleeps. How creepily cute is that.
  • Visual indulge: Roses design was strikingly bizzare and beautiful. Hope to see more of her in flashbacks.
  • That seems to be it for Steven this year. See you and the gems in 2015!


  1. It's consistently amazing to me what Adventure Time, Regular Show, and Steven Universe can do with their 11 minutes of allotted time per episode. Shows with hour-long episodes struggle to achieve the same kind of emotional torque I get from watching "I Remember You", "Trucker Hall of Fame", and now "Lion 3: Straight to Video".

    It was kind of strange seeing Rose as something other than a painting or other still image for the first time. I guess it's because of the way the other Gems build her up, but Rose always seemed like some larger than life figure. Seeing her enjoying a simple day on the beach and hearing the joy and warmth in her voice does a lot to humanize her while simultaneously confirming every thing Greg and the Gems have said about her. She was voiced to perfection. And speaking of voice acting, Kate Micucci has turned into an inspired choice for Sadie. She's more than up to the task of a wide array of emotions, and she's given a great showcase in this one. Can't wait for more Steven Universe next year.

  2. Holy cow, guys - we might be talking new favorite episode here. So gentle and sweet. I do like that it was just Steven and Sadie watching the video (this time, at least - he'll probably share it with the other Gems later on). They were the ones who most needed to see it. Plus, most of the episode was just Steven and Lion, so it might've been distracting to have the whole gang (and their reactions to the video) there for the end. That said, Pearl watching Steven sleep and later assigning the task to the others was great. All the jokes were on-point. The crew did a good job of balancing laughs and feels. For instance, I liked Steven trying (and failing) to pun his way out of missing his mom.
    Lars and Sadie are back to their old dynamic, I see. I very much related to Sadie's slight annoyance at her mom at the beginning. As you said, turning that around to appreciation by the end was perfect. And I loved Steven's chest-five to Lars - a callback to another great Rose-related episode.
    And Rose herself at last! Gorgeous voice, gorgeous monologue - I would've been satisfied with that, getting to actually see her was a bonus. Loved seeing her interact with Greg. Loved that she was both so down-to-earth and idealistic. Loved this episode.
