Sunday, December 21, 2014

12 days of Avatar (TLA) : #9, #8, #7, #6, #5

#9 The Guru/The Cross Roads of Destiny 

"You must gain balance within yourself before you can bring balance to the world."

Original AirDate: Dec 1, 2006

Oh boy Avatar really showed you how to do a season finale. The stakes are high as team avatar parts ways in order to bring balance towards the city, the war, and Aang himself. In the first half, Aang learns to control his Avatar State by learning to access the unlocking of his chakras. In a beautiful animated first half we believe that Aang has finally achieved controlling his spirit but when sensing his friend in danger he leaves abruptly. The second half involves action, betrayal, and the uncertainty if all we be all right. Folks had to wait 6-7 months for an answer and what waited was a nail biting final season but what preluded was an explosive finale that would make primetime shows green with jealously.

#8 The Blue Spirit 

"He was one of the best friends I ever had, and he was from the Fire Nation, just like you. If we knew each other back then, do you think we could have been friends, too?"
Original Airdate: June 17, 2005

The Blue Spirit is a heart pulsing rescue mission that has two unlikely companions racing for their lives. When Katarra and Suko become sick it is up to Aang to find a cure. However he unfortunately gets captured by fire general Zhao and things seem bleak until a mysterious stranger wearing a blue facade saves him. The actions sequences are incredible and the reveal of Zuko as the savior is a great little twist. The episode shows how great a team these two make and if the circumstances differed  might even make good friends. 

#7 Bitter Work

"You've got to stop thinking like an airbender. There's no different angle, no clever solution, trickety-trick that's going to move that rock. You've got to face it head on"

Orginal AirDate: June 2, 2006

Another excellent episode that shows the comparisons between the hero and villain. Both characters of Aang and Zuko try to learn a new practice that greatly contrasts to what they are used to. Aang tries to learn earth bending which turns out is the hardest from him to learn. Aang is light, clever, and uses surroundings to his advantage but earthbendings personality  is heavy, stubborn, and rough. Tophs tough training is a great refreshment to Katarra's peaceful and patient teaching.  At the same time, Zuko tries to learn lighting but much like Aang the art is the polar opposite since lighting requires pure expression and counters the rage Zuko usually feels. Both these practices require peace of mind. An episode that teaches the philosophy of any new skill learned and further bonds the antagonists and protagonists on a deeper level.

 #6 The Southern Raiders 

Zuko: You were right about what Katara needed. Violence wasn't the answer.
Aang: It never is.
Zuko: Then I have a question for you: What are you going to do when you face my father?
                                                     Original Airdate: July 17, 2008

One of the lasts episodes of this series of Avatar. An emotional character study exploring the dark and revengeful feelings that still burden Katarra. When Zuko reveals the culprit behind the death of her mother, she decides to find him and confront his actions possibly to the death. It is hard and tragic to see Katarra give in to her dark intentions, even using blood blending in order to quench her need for justice. You understand her actions and sympathize with her to the point that you want her to end the life of this man. But Katarras good will spares the man of his dark deeds although it is an action that she cannot bear to forgive. However, she is able to forgive Zuko and new friendship is born instead of a life ending. It is also leaves Aang with a troubling question, how will he defeat the firelord without murder?  

#5 Puppet Master

" But to reach inside someone and control them. I - I don't know if I want that kind of power."

Original Airdate: November 9, 2007

A ghost story that will be in time  turn  into one of the main conflicts of the Legend of Korra. Team Avatar runs into a kind elderly woman who has been a water bending secretly living in the fire nation. The bond is quickly formed between the two waterbenders until the full moon rises and the true nature of this woman is revealed. The art of bloodbending is preformed by this old woman which is a technique that can control the bodies of those around them.  Southern Raiders could of been a prelude to Katarras need to fufill her need for the fire nation to pay for their actions which thankfully was not the case. It is what happens when  rage and revenge consume us A scary tale with uncomfortable animation perfectly displaying how one bloodbends. It ends on a sour note as the art of  this inhumane bending is reluctantly passed from master to pupil. 

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Steven Universe: "Lion 3 Straight to Video"

Steven Universe: Lion Three Straight to Video

       Guaranteed to make you cry in 11 minutes or less


Telling a coherent story in a 11 minute time frame is no easy task. You have to establish story, character, and closure within a short allotted segment. Within that plot you also have to get your audience engaged and care about these actions before the commercial break starts again.  Steven Universe is able to do this week in and out without a problem. So with this episode for what I assume is the last one of the year, goes out with a sentimental bang and it is full of so many warm feelings that it is the perfect tale to ring in the holidays with.

Judging from the title, I had foolishly expected to be a fun but silly conflict similar to Watermelon Steven  involving Steven and his pet Lion, Lion. Maybe they would rent out a video and get it would come to life with them as the stars or Lion would eat it and would project the images on his body but instead I got something so unexpected yet the signs were all there. The episode starts off in the doughnut shop with Steven, Lion, and Sadie. Sadies Mom always packs here lunches even though Sadie believes she has grown out of it. She lets Steven takes one and Steven slightly wonders how his Mother would make his lunches. That following night, lion begins to be somewhat aggressively loving towards Steven which will in turn lead him to a beautiful solace in Lions mane displaying a time capsule island of Stevens mothers treasures. One of these things is a old video tape and when it is played be prepared to have the tissues ready because it is Roses final farewell to the world, Greg, and her first hello to Steven.

It is trickery territory to talk about death and loss of a parent in children's television. However, the talented people behind this show and Adventure Time always use animation as a platform to distinguish emotions or fantasy to demonstrate these feelings in a non threatening way that kids can understand. Using Lion mane as a secret portal to access Roses beloved memories is a wonderful to symbolize how the people who have left us live on not only in the safety of our mind but by the things they held most dear. The tears cried at the end were not tears of grief but tears of joy. Roses beautiful words to Steven about how she lives on in the happiness he shares in the world is so touching because even though she is a superhero gem her last monologue is no different than any other mother. It is an impressive task to make someone feel so uplifting joyous in a short amounted time frame and as the year comes to a close Steven Universe has showed me repeatedly it can be beautiful, silly, and fun simultaneously before the next ad break. Well done crew. I look forward to the new year and more Steven.

Cool Things Noticed:

  •  Sadies last word to her Mom about her to not stop making sandwiches was such a sweet note to end on. It is great how the episode came full circle.
  • Oh my gee. I love that pink lion. Is there Pink Lion merch on sale yet? I. WANT. ONE.
  • I find it odd that the gems did not go to watch Roses video. It seems like a good treasure to share with them. But I do not doubt it will be Stevens only viewing so they will probably be around for the next one.
  • Pearl watches Steven as he sleeps. How creepily cute is that.
  • Visual indulge: Roses design was strikingly bizzare and beautiful. Hope to see more of her in flashbacks.
  • That seems to be it for Steven this year. See you and the gems in 2015!

Monday, December 15, 2014

12 Days of Avatar (TLA): #10

#10 The Avatar and The Firelord

    "Without you, all my plans are suddenly possible. I have a vision for the future, Roku."

Original Airdate: October 26, 2007

One of the best features in both of the Avatar series is that the flashbacks can be just as enriching and complex as what is happening currently. In the episode unfolds a story of Aangs and Zukos forefathers   pasts. Throughout the narrative we understand the journey of Rozin and Sozin which will turn out to be one of the most tragic conflicts in the show. It is told brilliantly and the writers are smart to embellish the most important thing that was lost in their anguish, their friendship. You also get one hell of a twist which is another example of why Avatar is more than your average Saturday morning cartoon. 

Sunday, December 14, 2014

12 Days of Avatar (TLA): #11

#11 The FireBending Masters 

                                     "Fire is life, not just destruction."
  Original airdate: July 15, 2008 

The third season of Avatar had a string of outstanding episodes and this episode is evident of that. Firebending Master deals with Zuko teaching Aang firebending and drawing inspiration from the orginial benders themselves. Not only does this develop a tighter bond between the two former enemies, it also shows a delicate side of fire that has not really been shown before like the other elements. Even though it is hard to remember, firebending has more to it than just domination. It is a powerful weapon but in the right hands can be used to guide those to light. Also, DRAGONS  which apparently in Korra, Zuko gets to ride!

12 Days of Avatar (TLA) : #12

#12 The Storm

Original air date: June 3, 2005

"I know it's meant to be this way. The world needs you now. You give people hope."

Merry Christmas Everyone! To celebrate the most wonderful time of the year I decided to write about one of the most wonderful shows of all time Avatar. 12 days or now 11 (sorry I’m late) of the best Avatar episodes (in my opinion).

Before I start. Here are some things to keep in mind.
  1. The series fine is not included in this list. Because obviously it would get the top spot and with so many other best avatar countdowns I want to bring some episodes that are underrated.
  2. I will try to do one a day. Probably a paragraph long.
  3. I would love to hear your opinions on the episodes! So please comment!

For many, this is the episode that transition Avatar from a average Nicktoon into something much more substantial in terms of story and narrative. For me, this was always relevant in the series and  The Storm was not an epiphany like it was for many others. However, this is still a fantastic episode in the first season. The parallels between both hero and villain are insightful and tragic for both of these characters.  The guilt that Aang feels for leaving his people and the emotion and literal scars that Zuko bears is told with such dignity and beauty. It is an episode that reminds us that the past does not have to define us but more of how we react to it  is what counts.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Regular Show : “White Elephant Christmas Exchange”/ “Merry Christmas Mordecai”

“White Elephant Christmas Exchange”/ “Merry Christmas Mordecai”

 C+                                                                  A-


                    Have yourselves a Merry Little Problem

Regular Show started out as this crude but still very funny series in its first season. Relying less on character development and more on visual humor for storytelling. Not bad but it was not the show that you had to tune it every week. Adventure Time was very similar in this format in the first season, just introducing characters and the world. When Cartoon Network ordered more seasons thats when these worlds got more developed and defined. These characters have grown and we want to see the journey they go through. “The White Elephant Christmas Exchange” seems more relevant of the previous seasons while “Merry Christmas Mordecai” is why I tune into this show every week.

The main problem I have with this first  episode is the moral and humor seems a bit mean spirited even for this crowd. When the gang gets tired of crappy Muscle Man gifts on White Elephant Christmas Exchange they seek revenge on him. Buying the worst gifts possible to make Muscle Man feel the humiliation that he always sets on them. The plan backfires when a supposedly thoughtful gift is  given by Mitch. A lecture by the white elephant himself makes them regret their actions but after the gift is not what it seems they unleash the terror upon him. What is funny about the episode is I am behind Muscle Man's actions but not the rest of the park employees. This is something that Muscle Man would do. He would totally take advantage of this holiday event and make people believe that he brought a heartfelt gift. I understand the park employees actions to want to get back him.

So why do I not love this episode? I think its because White Elephant logic does not work in the end, he summons them to temple to reflect on their actions but they let him open the gift anyway. Ending in a very violent prank and them laughing in happiness. It just seems so cruel! Not even Muscle Mans gifts never seems to physically hurt them to this extent. I also enjoy when the surreal moments of this show seems to metaphorically be an extension of character, but this seems like a blatant rip off of the big babies from the other seasons. Do not get me wrong I laughed several times in the episode but when I laughed at Muscle Man getting beaten mercilessly by the gifts I felt relatively bad about it. It is a far cry from what Regular Show has given us and seems to have pulled a White Elephant exchange on us. However, maybe this was to give us some black humor before laying on the quiet seriousness of the next one.

Episodes that drive into Mordecai's psyche our always my favorite and a treat to watch. My favorite episodes always involved his relationships with women or himself.  His anxiety and insecureness of telling Margret how he feels, dealing with issues concerning his mother or confronting his own past on his artistic career are so fantastic because the surrealness and reality go hand in hand on relaying on what he is feeling and how he will react to it. This episode is another fine example of this and Quintels performance sells it brilliantly. Eileens christmas party seems like so much fun except the fact that Margaret will be there. Instead of confronting his past like a mature adult, he hides and run aways from his feelings like he always does. A very clever climatic scene involving the disco ball reflects Margarets in full brightness. He can't run, he can't hide, he has to no choice but to confront and deal with situations that sometimes you do not want to. Because he repressed these feelings instead of being honest with himself, it is too late to realize that when these feelings quickly return to the surface you might to have time to react appropriately. Which leaves a broken hearted CJ and a even bigger problem that Margaret is here to stay.

What I love most about this is actually the regression of character for Mordecai and the progression of maturity for Rigby. If this season has shown us anything is how Rigby is becoming the responsible and reasonable man from the rebellious slack he previously was. While Mordecai is by no means a slacker, his insecurities and relationships seem to be make him retreat on his emotions while Rigby has shown he has grown from his experiences. They have seem to reverse roles and I am excited to see how the show continues this pattern next year. This Christmas special seemed lukewarm at first but then Regular Show reminds me of the time, dedication, and respect it has for its main characters and I cannot wait to ring in the new year with them.

Cool Things Noticed:

  • Glad to see the return of lollipop money
  • I loved the ginger ale bar. Clearly suppose to symbolize beer but in a way that the Cartoon Network censors won't call them out on.
  • I totally fangirled at Rigby and Eileens kiss. When she blushed I mean how could you not.
  • “A party with CJ and Margaret?! Do you know what that means??..A party?”
  • That was fantastic when Mordecai was scared he would run into Margaret at the post office much to the disbelief of everyone...oh irony
  • “Awkward”
  • What you guys think? This special or last years?
  • Now that exams are over I will try to catch up on everything. I heard that Clarence had like five new episodes premiere last week *gulp
  • What does this mean for the relationship of Cj and Mord? I get invested with relationships in this show as I did with the OC in high school.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Hey Where are the Reviews At?!

Due to Exams..Last Weeks Episodes will be featured with this weeks.

Sorry studying for finals has consumed my soul and I do like to take time and watch/write these shows. But right now my status is like this..

Be on the lookout this Friday!

Also a few notes:
1. My reviews for Clarence will be alternated with another CN show next year. What would you guys like to see? (teens titans go!, amazing world of gumball)
2. Thinking about doing a  best of countdown for Christmas. However, would you guys mind if it wasn't a Cartoon Network show? If you do mind, let me know which series you would like to see a best of. 

Thanks for reading as always!