Sunday, October 12, 2014

Steven Universe: Space Race

Steven Universe: Space Race

Pearls Cosmic Love for Space and Steven are on Overdrive and so our my Emotions


I have to be honest, this is the first Steven Universe episode I have seen in a while so I might be a little more bias towards this review. But goodness this show really knows how to hit the right mix of humor, sadness, and excitement in eleven minutes while providing some excellent character development with my favorite compulsive gem. The parenting styles of Pearl and Greg are put to the test as each thinks they know what is best for Steven and what we get is a gentle reminder about what makes this show standout in  solid family entertainment.

Pearl is the crystal gem who is the definition of precision and intellectual smarts. So it is always a treat when we see her breakdown her wall of stoicness and see some sentiment coming from her. Pearl longs for the wonders of space again but with the transporters busted she has no way of returning. Steven being the naive and optimistic he is, decides to build her a rocket  and seeks aid from his Dad. Greg, believing this as a cute gesture for Pearl, helps steven create a go cart rocket complete with sparkler! Pearl is less than amused and makes herself a part of the team. Greg realizes that this is the real deal with Pearl and refuses Steven to go along with it. Pearl letting her obsessiveness get the best of her and wanting to share space with Steven, puts herself and inadvertently puts him in danger. In the end though, she sacrifices space for Steven and what an emotional punch it is.

I always think it is unfair the Steven Universe is always under Adventure Times shadow because besides the fantasy elements that both shows implore, they both differentiate in where they want their themes to lie. AT wants to really emphasize the world of OOh in all of its weirdness and colorfulness while Steven puts most of creative worldliness on the backburner to emphasize the coming of age story of  not just Steven but also of the crystal gems. Parenting is still relatively new to Pearl and  and we sympathize with her because she just wants to share something beyond earthly realms with someone she treasures. Steven ironically is the one to teach the lesson to Pearl in this episode who tells her sometimes you just have to bail out. We get our moral from Steven from this episode and Pearl is the one who learned something. Stories like this is what makes Steven Universe a joy to watch and a reason to keep on tuning in.

Cool Things Noticed

  • Steven places sad face stickers on the broken transporters...whatta cute ham.
  • That time when Pearl shed a tear to give the dream of returning to many feelings
  • Hello puberty meet Steven.


  1. Is this show watchable for someone who finds AT a bit too childish sometimes? I've seen the first episode and it didn't seem to be a very mature leaning show.

  2. I understand that. There is a big difference between AT seasons now and their earlier seasons. But I always like to think the earlier seasons of AT reflect the age of Finn who was at the time 12 so the humor is a lot more crude and childlike. Now it seems to deal with darker and surreal storylines now that I believe he is going through puberty. I'll make the same argument for Steven. Earlier episodes are always trying to find their footing in their show but once they do its really fun to watch!

    Also my email

  3. Great to have these reviews now that Regular Show will no longer be covered. Would it be possible to add the Amazing World of Gumball to your lineup? On any other network, it would be a flagship animation show, but it's had the misfortune to exist on the same channel as Adventure Time and Regular Show. It's still a fun show, just hopelessly outclassed and underrated.

    Pearl is my favorite Gem, so an episode focused on her is always welcome. They did a great job of balancing her matronly affection for Steven with her feelings of confinement and restriction on Earth. The Gems usually don't seem that flustered by their isolation from the rest of Gem culture, but this episode suggests that at least Pearl is more attached to the trappings of their society than Garnet and Amythest are.

  4. chance the rapper stanOctober 13, 2014 at 11:54 AM

    Wow, i really appreciate the effort put unto this. What a great review for a great episode. I just love that Pearl is a kick-ass engineer.

  5. I was thinking about adding Gumball to my lineup! I really enjoyed last weeks episode so I might. I just do not want to promise it and not have the time to write it. Unrelated note, wonder if penny will keep her new look..

    Also great analysis on Pearl! You brought some great points on just how foreign the Earth is for the gems and how hard it might be living on a world like ours.

  6. Thanks for the kind words! Yes, I would expect nothing less from Pearl but I like the Universe format of not using calculations and drawing pictures. Thats how I wanna do my math formulas.

  7. Sent in my review of yesterdays Regular Show to that email address.
