Saturday, October 11, 2014

Clarence: A Lizard Day Afternoon

Clarence: A Lizard Day Afternoon

An unspoken battle to see who can have the best weekend activity


What I really enjoy about Clarence is that with all the cartoons out there involving fantasy elements or surreal storylines, Clarence plots are a nice alternative of suburbia antics filled with childhood mischievous. This weeks story is no exception as the Clarence and the gang try to make the best out of their Saturday afternoon. Jeff believes fun is organized and well thought out while Clarence and Sumo rather improvise what fun is. What we get is an okay episode that demonstrates once again the practicalities of Jeff and the spastic nature of Clarence and Sumo.

To be clear, I love Jeff and his character. Some of the best humor of this show comes from the inevitable squareness of Jeff’s personality. A boy so precise, organized, and so self assured that he has already bought a game to a system that he does not own but is sure that the town bully will give him a turn on it. While Clarence and Sumo shut down his plan instantaneously and decided to have their own misadventures with a lizard that coincidently brings them luck wherever they are. There are interesting themes of technology and how it literally fries your brain into a coma mode but I really miss Jeff being part of the trio. I would not have mind this episode quite as much if we did not have a Jeff central story line last week that used Sumo and Clarence to a minimum.

The chase scenes involving the lizard are fun to watch and Jeff trying desperately to play his game which is about being a big brother building the perfect utopia shielded from anarchy and chaos also gets some chuckles. But in the end, I really wish that Jeff was a part of the anarchy and chaos that is Clarence and Sumo. By the end of the episode, Clarence catches the lizard and named it Jeff because he missed him with them. Me too Clarence. Me too.

Cool Things Noticed

  • Jeff said he had to sell all of his decorative spoons to get that game. What is a decorative spoon and how can I get one?
  • I love that lady from the fast food place. The way she handled that garbage is how I want to handle all my problems.
  • Sumo/Clarence got a lamp from the bushes. I shall now check bushes for free lamps.
  • Welcome to the blog! This is my first time reviewing so bare with me!

1 comment:

  1. The feeling of knowing someone who has the latest and coolest video game/console brings back a lot of memories. Not all of them are that flattering. I have the sneaking suspicion that I would be Jeff, wasting a Saturday watching someone else play a game, hoping in vain for a turn of my own, while others were off having a blast chasing lizards. The uncanny ability to draw on very specific childhood memories is one of Clarence's greatest strengths for me. This wasn't Clarence at its best, but I liked it all the same.
