Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Steven Universe:Alone Together

 Steven Universe: Alone Together(Travel Size Review)      



Stevoni is a merge of hormonal fusion


This was a very sensual episode and I mean that in the best possible way. From a stylistic standpoint, it is one of most beautifully animated segments I have seen from this show in a while. It wonderfully captures Stevens first fusion and inadvertently Connies too.

It makes perfect sense that Stevens first transformation with fusion would revolve around his pubescent sexual energy between himself and Connie. But it is not just that. They are both so in synch with each others emotions that they can literally step inside each others bodies and initiate the activation for fusion. I love that the episode mostly stems from their enjoyment in creating a being so abstractedly gorgeous. Neither of them are horrified but entranced at the existence of such a cosmic creature.

The end is the only downfall of an otherwise fantastic episode. The dance rave conflict seems a little too forced and its solution too weak and feels like a cop out. But I cannot deny Alone Together nostalgic feel for being young and exploring the gratification of arousals with others physically and in the spiritual sense..or am I reading way too much into this.

Cool Things Noticed:

  1. “Pearl look at Garnet”....Garnet knows whats up.
  2. Props for Connie for being so cool about merging. But then again if I looked like that I would not complain either.
  3. Visual Indulge of the Week: Stevonne running through the meadows was masterfully shot and so amazingly animated.
  4. One of things I always forget to mention is this series score. It feel like it is straight out of a Miyazaki film with its lovely spirited piano playing. It accompanied the running sequence so well.  

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Steven Universe: Warp Tour

Steven Universe: Warp Tour (travel size review!)

Stevens Universe has many Galaxies left undiscovered

Gems and Steven are back and they are finally letting viewers peak into the complex structure of the crystal gems origins. We seem to relatively accept the portals with little no question but after this episode everything done in this show should be looked at a little more closely. The audience should take a cue from Steven, everything observed and told should be taken with skepticism.

Poor Steven has allergies and a bad case of teenage angst. When his fellow gems refuse to believe a creature lurking outside the warp, he really lets emotions get the best of him. It is the first time I have seen Steven lash out at Pearl (Garnet had to intervene!) with such anger. This is a game changer episode for many reasons. Steven is seen more like a member and less like a boy ,The Gems have a bad memory of the past, and something wicked this way comes.

Cool Things Noticed:

  1. That green gem looked like Pearl Yes?
  2. “Steven your Fafsa!”
  3. Jump cuts were nice use of comedic timing of Stevens lack of sleep.
  4. Steven Jr. has been busy.
  5. I’m behind I know. So I am going to be doing travel size reviews until I am caught up! Hope you all do not mind!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Regular Show: Park Managers Lunch

             Regular Show: Park Managers Lunch


                                                          Eyes Wide Shut Goes Recreational


After the incredible back to back episodes providing a insightful character study on our favorite blue jay with the scandalous “Merry Christmas Mordecai” and the visual representation of the romantic insecurities of “Sad Sax” I believe it is only fair we go back to the regular park shenanigans again. We have not had a Benson themed narrative in quite some time so “Park Mangers Lunch” offers a welcome back to the routine surrealism that Regular Show loves to implore.

I think what most often is forgotten by the park members and the audience is how good a park manger Benson is. Yes, he has anger management issues but he also has to deal with the idle personas of Mordo and Rigby and the everyday crazy scenarios that the park deals with which is not limited to undercover spies who might have pretended to his girlfriend. So when his park employees doubt his invited luncheon hosted by their rival park manager Gene and going so far as stalk him at the diner where the lunch is being held. When Benson finds out they have been following him the whole time, he quietly lectures them that after the many failed dreams that his life has bestowed him the park is the only thing he has left.

What follows is fairly predictable. If you are familiar with the shows premise how the plot unfolds is nothing out of the ordinary. But what is nice is in the end no matter what recognition might be given his way, his first objective is to always protect his employees. Even though Benson’s only achievements are held in his lackluster job, he is pretty damn good at it.

Cool Things Noticed

1.       Bro try to stay at our level.
2.       Luncheon conversations included if timesheets are better chronologically or alphabetically.  
3.       Poor Mask Steve. His peers teasing have actually made him sad.
4.       No Pops, this is bad.
5.       That’s a crazy ritual to be indicted into the park managers club. I guess they gotta spice up something to make this job tolerable.
6.       Are Pizza subs a real thing?
7. I agree if high five ghosts, hearing Bensons talking to himself was uncomfortable.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Regular Show: Sad Sax

Regular Show: Sad Sax

Sad Sax becomes an excellent manifestation for Mordos lady problems

I have stated this once before that Regular Shows absurdity works better when it is used with the intent to explore the emotional and development of a certain character. This episode is an exceptional case of that. Continuing with the cliffhanger of “Merry Christmas Mordecai” we see how our favorite blue jay picks up the pieces of a relationship that he inadvertently broke.

We see that Mordecai will make pretty much be up for anything if it means avoiding  having a serious talk about what he did. CJ attempts to give Mordecai chances but he keeps avoiding the big elephant in the room about how he feels about Margaret. Like many episodes before,  we see Mordecai run away from conflict rather than face it. Hence, the character Sad Sax is born. A visual illustration for the audience of how Mordecai makes the decisions he does. Sad Sax is good looking, suave, and a ladies man something that Mordecai always envisions to be. Sad Sax is  there to escape the problems with reality with having child like solutions. I liked that Rigby brings up that he is the worse but we never see Sad Sax interact with anyone but Mordecai which suggests that he is a figment of his imagination. A stream of consciousness brought to the surface when times get heavy and his advice of course fails. CJ wants a mature talk about the kiss and  its now more than ever that Mordecai needs to grow up.

This is a really great episode. Cheating is risque for a childrens show but Regular Show handles it with such great maturity. Yes, there are gags and humor that the little ones will laugh at but they will also understand the seriousness of what he did and how the way he approached it was not the best. Sad Sax is a great visual example exploring the depth of Mordecai's insecurities and decisions. I hope to see more the these great moments in the new year.

Cool Things Noticed

  1. Cj and Mordo are back on! Hurrah! I’m glad they did not extend the Margaret love triangle.
  2. Speaking of Margaret, can they all hang out together? I miss the gang.
  3. Aw Mordo still has the butt dial ring tone.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Clarence: Rough Riders Elementary, Nothing Ventured, Bedside Manners, Jeff Wins

Rough Riders Elementary

Tyrant Josh and his wacky sauce

Clarence is able to balance the surreal in a realistic setting quite well. In this very entertaining episode, Clarences elementary gets a new sauce which inspires him to report to the class why the Rough Riders companies condiment is his all time favorite. Even though the story is told straight up Clarence style with chicken aliens, his heroes saving the day, and dictator Josh there is a somewhat deeper message of how corporations manipulate children. Using school as elementary propaganda, corporations are able to clone and brainwash kids into the consumers they want them to be. And that my friends is much more scarier than Clarences story because that is in fact real.

Cool Things Noticed:

  1. I love that shining reference when Clarence runs through the halls. Wonder how many young children caught that.
  2. Can Colonel Sanders sue for copyright infringement?
  3. Josh looks good with a eye patch

Nothing Ventured

Well That Explains how Sumo ended up in a trailer park

The most appealing aspect of Nothing Ventured is we get to see a little more development on the adults of Clarence. In particular, the big dreams and the bigger failures of Sumos dad. A man with a great imagination but without the confidence or persistence to make anything out of it. This probably explains his lack of white collar work and his easiness to relate to well meaning but slacker Chad. But even Chad has more stamina in his missions than his friend does trying to be the gentle mentor even when it is a hopeless cause. There is a also a story of Clarences  humorous convoluted plan to make a venture out of putting cockroaches in peoples home. Not a lot of stakes in the episode seeing how neither story seems more than a side story but that does not mean it is low in laughs or character depth.

Cool Things Noticed

  1. Chads Sour cream and Onion Industries might have some more success in the cream cheese products.
  2. I also love Chads design that sort of ape like man character.
  3. How does that italian resturaunt  have a C? Was the health inspector on drugs that day?

Bedside Manners


Have a taste of your own medicine Belson

Although there has been some moments of redemption for Belson in the series, he has been mostly a pessimistic mean spirited little boy. Many of the children are aware of this and decide not to attend Clarences sweet gesture to visit him in the hospital. While most would welcome Clarence to cheer them up in their ill state this is hell for Belson. What follows is a bonding experience that is sure to damaged Belsen more than his broken bones. Meanwhile Jeff and Sumo are guilt tripped into visiting their unlikeable peer and end up in Jeffs worst nightmare: Hospital contamination. This side story easily becomes great visual humor as the animation shows Jeff horror in his misadventures in the hospital. A fun episode in a very not fun place.

Cool things Noticed:
Belson sure goes through a lot to prank Clarence then again so does Clarence.

Jeff Wins

Introducing Jeffs Family

An episode exploring Jeff is either going to be a hit or miss. It will either expand on the idea of Jeffs worst character attribute that he feels he is superior and dominant over his friends like Average Jeff or they can dive deeper into his insecurities of being  judged based on his achievements or lack there of. This episode central story explores this. Jeff's parents asks for Clarences help into brining Jeff to a cooking contest that he always backs out of due to the possibility of failing. Clarence is also one who is at odds with how to handle the situation once his philosophy of just have fun is put to the test when finding out their meal is awful. He battles between doing the right thing or letting his friend overcome this false pretension of being a loser. Seeing how Clarence handles his friendship in moments of disparity and watching Jeff finally loosen up his tight persona always make for good television and demonstrates how Clarence excels at bringing realistic people, problems, and solutions for children and adults.

Cool Things Noticed:

  1. That running photo montage was priceless. Seeing a crying Jeff from age 3 to 9 was great.
  2. Jeff has two moms and yeah thats it. I love this shows contemporary views on family and dating.
  3. Those old ladies do look intimidating in all their niceness.
  4. Clarences musical number was fantastic. Highlighting all of Jeffs flaws to perfection.
  5. So thats it for Clarence (for now). Its not I do not love watching this show its that I will be much more busy this semester and do not have the time to devote to writing for three shows. But Regular Show and Steven should be around before Thursday! Yay! Probably be shorter reviews :/

Sunday, December 21, 2014

12 days of Avatar (TLA) : #9, #8, #7, #6, #5

#9 The Guru/The Cross Roads of Destiny 

"You must gain balance within yourself before you can bring balance to the world."

Original AirDate: Dec 1, 2006

Oh boy Avatar really showed you how to do a season finale. The stakes are high as team avatar parts ways in order to bring balance towards the city, the war, and Aang himself. In the first half, Aang learns to control his Avatar State by learning to access the unlocking of his chakras. In a beautiful animated first half we believe that Aang has finally achieved controlling his spirit but when sensing his friend in danger he leaves abruptly. The second half involves action, betrayal, and the uncertainty if all we be all right. Folks had to wait 6-7 months for an answer and what waited was a nail biting final season but what preluded was an explosive finale that would make primetime shows green with jealously.

#8 The Blue Spirit 

"He was one of the best friends I ever had, and he was from the Fire Nation, just like you. If we knew each other back then, do you think we could have been friends, too?"
Original Airdate: June 17, 2005

The Blue Spirit is a heart pulsing rescue mission that has two unlikely companions racing for their lives. When Katarra and Suko become sick it is up to Aang to find a cure. However he unfortunately gets captured by fire general Zhao and things seem bleak until a mysterious stranger wearing a blue facade saves him. The actions sequences are incredible and the reveal of Zuko as the savior is a great little twist. The episode shows how great a team these two make and if the circumstances differed  might even make good friends. 

#7 Bitter Work

"You've got to stop thinking like an airbender. There's no different angle, no clever solution, trickety-trick that's going to move that rock. You've got to face it head on"

Orginal AirDate: June 2, 2006

Another excellent episode that shows the comparisons between the hero and villain. Both characters of Aang and Zuko try to learn a new practice that greatly contrasts to what they are used to. Aang tries to learn earth bending which turns out is the hardest from him to learn. Aang is light, clever, and uses surroundings to his advantage but earthbendings personality  is heavy, stubborn, and rough. Tophs tough training is a great refreshment to Katarra's peaceful and patient teaching.  At the same time, Zuko tries to learn lighting but much like Aang the art is the polar opposite since lighting requires pure expression and counters the rage Zuko usually feels. Both these practices require peace of mind. An episode that teaches the philosophy of any new skill learned and further bonds the antagonists and protagonists on a deeper level.

 #6 The Southern Raiders 

Zuko: You were right about what Katara needed. Violence wasn't the answer.
Aang: It never is.
Zuko: Then I have a question for you: What are you going to do when you face my father?
                                                     Original Airdate: July 17, 2008

One of the lasts episodes of this series of Avatar. An emotional character study exploring the dark and revengeful feelings that still burden Katarra. When Zuko reveals the culprit behind the death of her mother, she decides to find him and confront his actions possibly to the death. It is hard and tragic to see Katarra give in to her dark intentions, even using blood blending in order to quench her need for justice. You understand her actions and sympathize with her to the point that you want her to end the life of this man. But Katarras good will spares the man of his dark deeds although it is an action that she cannot bear to forgive. However, she is able to forgive Zuko and new friendship is born instead of a life ending. It is also leaves Aang with a troubling question, how will he defeat the firelord without murder?  

#5 Puppet Master

" But to reach inside someone and control them. I - I don't know if I want that kind of power."

Original Airdate: November 9, 2007

A ghost story that will be in time  turn  into one of the main conflicts of the Legend of Korra. Team Avatar runs into a kind elderly woman who has been a water bending secretly living in the fire nation. The bond is quickly formed between the two waterbenders until the full moon rises and the true nature of this woman is revealed. The art of bloodbending is preformed by this old woman which is a technique that can control the bodies of those around them.  Southern Raiders could of been a prelude to Katarras need to fufill her need for the fire nation to pay for their actions which thankfully was not the case. It is what happens when  rage and revenge consume us A scary tale with uncomfortable animation perfectly displaying how one bloodbends. It ends on a sour note as the art of  this inhumane bending is reluctantly passed from master to pupil. 

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Steven Universe: "Lion 3 Straight to Video"

Steven Universe: Lion Three Straight to Video

       Guaranteed to make you cry in 11 minutes or less


Telling a coherent story in a 11 minute time frame is no easy task. You have to establish story, character, and closure within a short allotted segment. Within that plot you also have to get your audience engaged and care about these actions before the commercial break starts again.  Steven Universe is able to do this week in and out without a problem. So with this episode for what I assume is the last one of the year, goes out with a sentimental bang and it is full of so many warm feelings that it is the perfect tale to ring in the holidays with.

Judging from the title, I had foolishly expected to be a fun but silly conflict similar to Watermelon Steven  involving Steven and his pet Lion, Lion. Maybe they would rent out a video and get it would come to life with them as the stars or Lion would eat it and would project the images on his body but instead I got something so unexpected yet the signs were all there. The episode starts off in the doughnut shop with Steven, Lion, and Sadie. Sadies Mom always packs here lunches even though Sadie believes she has grown out of it. She lets Steven takes one and Steven slightly wonders how his Mother would make his lunches. That following night, lion begins to be somewhat aggressively loving towards Steven which will in turn lead him to a beautiful solace in Lions mane displaying a time capsule island of Stevens mothers treasures. One of these things is a old video tape and when it is played be prepared to have the tissues ready because it is Roses final farewell to the world, Greg, and her first hello to Steven.

It is trickery territory to talk about death and loss of a parent in children's television. However, the talented people behind this show and Adventure Time always use animation as a platform to distinguish emotions or fantasy to demonstrate these feelings in a non threatening way that kids can understand. Using Lion mane as a secret portal to access Roses beloved memories is a wonderful to symbolize how the people who have left us live on not only in the safety of our mind but by the things they held most dear. The tears cried at the end were not tears of grief but tears of joy. Roses beautiful words to Steven about how she lives on in the happiness he shares in the world is so touching because even though she is a superhero gem her last monologue is no different than any other mother. It is an impressive task to make someone feel so uplifting joyous in a short amounted time frame and as the year comes to a close Steven Universe has showed me repeatedly it can be beautiful, silly, and fun simultaneously before the next ad break. Well done crew. I look forward to the new year and more Steven.

Cool Things Noticed:

  •  Sadies last word to her Mom about her to not stop making sandwiches was such a sweet note to end on. It is great how the episode came full circle.
  • Oh my gee. I love that pink lion. Is there Pink Lion merch on sale yet? I. WANT. ONE.
  • I find it odd that the gems did not go to watch Roses video. It seems like a good treasure to share with them. But I do not doubt it will be Stevens only viewing so they will probably be around for the next one.
  • Pearl watches Steven as he sleeps. How creepily cute is that.
  • Visual indulge: Roses design was strikingly bizzare and beautiful. Hope to see more of her in flashbacks.
  • That seems to be it for Steven this year. See you and the gems in 2015!