Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Regular Show: Park Managers Lunch

             Regular Show: Park Managers Lunch


                                                          Eyes Wide Shut Goes Recreational


After the incredible back to back episodes providing a insightful character study on our favorite blue jay with the scandalous “Merry Christmas Mordecai” and the visual representation of the romantic insecurities of “Sad Sax” I believe it is only fair we go back to the regular park shenanigans again. We have not had a Benson themed narrative in quite some time so “Park Mangers Lunch” offers a welcome back to the routine surrealism that Regular Show loves to implore.

I think what most often is forgotten by the park members and the audience is how good a park manger Benson is. Yes, he has anger management issues but he also has to deal with the idle personas of Mordo and Rigby and the everyday crazy scenarios that the park deals with which is not limited to undercover spies who might have pretended to his girlfriend. So when his park employees doubt his invited luncheon hosted by their rival park manager Gene and going so far as stalk him at the diner where the lunch is being held. When Benson finds out they have been following him the whole time, he quietly lectures them that after the many failed dreams that his life has bestowed him the park is the only thing he has left.

What follows is fairly predictable. If you are familiar with the shows premise how the plot unfolds is nothing out of the ordinary. But what is nice is in the end no matter what recognition might be given his way, his first objective is to always protect his employees. Even though Benson’s only achievements are held in his lackluster job, he is pretty damn good at it.

Cool Things Noticed

1.       Bro try to stay at our level.
2.       Luncheon conversations included if timesheets are better chronologically or alphabetically.  
3.       Poor Mask Steve. His peers teasing have actually made him sad.
4.       No Pops, this is bad.
5.       That’s a crazy ritual to be indicted into the park managers club. I guess they gotta spice up something to make this job tolerable.
6.       Are Pizza subs a real thing?
7. I agree if high five ghosts, hearing Bensons talking to himself was uncomfortable.


  1. I agree - this one was kind of predictable, but it's nice to see Benson come out on top.
    Favorite moments:
    "I'm not ready to know Benson this way."
    And the ending, what with its synth music and rapid zooming in and out. Go Benson!

  2. I was actually on the fence as to whether Gene's invitation really was a prank or not. I wouldn't put it past him in all honesty. This really was a great character study of Benson. It showcased his regrets over the numerous opportunities in life that have slipped by him, but also demonstrates that he's not about to throw his friends/employees under the bus in order to achieve some minor accolades. Also, the park gang was suspicious of the circumstances not because the doubted Benson's credibility as a boss, but because they mistrusted Gene. There's a lot of unspoken trust and mutual respect in that setup.
