Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Steven Universe: Watermelon Steven

Steven Universe: Watermelon Steven


In Memoriam of Baby Melon

Well this was a weird episode even for Steven Universe standards. But nothing is wrong with weirdness if it is told well. For the most part this tale does succeed with a morale that deals with  conflicts parenting intertwining with responsibility. Steven takes his first stab at being a father and farmer all at the same time. Don't believe it gets more insane than that? Trust me it does. Ronaldo tries to dissect a watermelon..need I say more?

What starts has a fun activity with his Dad turns into something much messier. Steven and his Father are enjoying a sunset while eating some watermelon and decide to challenge each other with seed tricks. One tricks involves him spreading his seed (yikes) everywhere and the next morning we get awesome watermelon shaped Steven. The gems explain it is most likely a power passed down by his Mother who could make plants alive and help her fight. Farmer Steven decides to give his watermelon away (with the exception of baby melon) but it turns out the watermelon are also alive. The climax ends with sacrifice, tragedy, and silliness. 

I do like that episode presents what powers that Steven has that have been yet discovered. With each new episode that explores Stevens gem skills are a lot of fun. But this episode also show how Steven might not be yet ready for such greatness. He is still a kid and cannot handle all the emotional weight that comes with such supernatural wonder. He guides his children to think about his actions as he bites on baby melons remains. Steven has a lot to learn but he is doing the best he can to handle the situation with the tactics of a 12 year old. Maybe next time he can spread his seed with more caution.

Cool Things Noticed:
1.) Steven said that the watermelons were hurting people. But the only time they were was when someone hurt Steven. Perhaps we jumped to fast to conclusions. They were not hurting the people who bought them. I know I'm bias I just really think those watermelons were adorable.
2.) Speaking of adorable, Farmer Steven! 
3.) Someone explain Onion to me. I never seen him before but I feel like I would like him.
4.) RIP baby melon. I cannot believe your fellow brothers literally squashed you. 
5.) How long do you think it will take for the watermelon steven to learn their lessons?

Clarence: Patients

Clarence: Patients


Evil has a New Name and Her Name is Tinia

The best part about Clarence is that it takes relatable kids problems and gives it substantial importance. I love this because it takes the conflicts seriously and does not make them petty and stupid. So while waiting for a piece of candy might seem like mundane plot to most, animating it from Clarences perspective makes us root for him getting that piece of pure sweetness. 

The problem with the episode is that it cannot really find its true narrative. Is it about Clarence trying to get a piece of candy? About him learning the virtue of patience? Or about what fantasy the imagination can bring and how you can entertain youself? It seems like it wants to be all of these things and because of that the episodes faults. Do not get me wrong, it is a funny episode with all of these elements, but it might have benefited from choosing one and sticking with it. 

The waiting room is a sort of limbo for children and Clarence reflects all the little ones who have to brave that room with the utmost will power to get that reward. With a little more embellishing could of made it a fine episode but for what it is I feel it greatly captures the doctors waiting room. Just avoid demon children like Tinia and retreat to your mind full of grandmothers with endless desserts.

Cool Things Noticed"
1.) God that girl was evil. But they got the Mom down perfectly. Most children who are like that have parents that are inattentive.
2.) Clarence playing doctor was brilliant. His advice was good enough for that old man.
3.) Never got the point of those toys too Clarence. 

Regular Show: The Real Thomas

Regular Show Presents: The Real Thomas (An Intern Special)

The name is Intern, Thomas Intern 


Only the eighth episode of the sixth season and we get another special. The story entails that our favorite and only intern at the park may be more than he seems. Directed by the series creator JG Quintel, we finally understand that the bland but well meaning Thomas had a secretive agenda at the park the whole time. A 30 minute farewell  that provides closure to a character who really had no objective in the park but to be the punchline every now and then. How you feel about Thomas going into this episode, will be the deciding factor of  how you feel about the special.

In my opinion, I liked Thomas being the average joe intern. He never become an official member of the team. He never went on all the adventures with Mordecai and Rigby or buddied up with Muscle Man but he had this great presence everytime he was written in. Sometimes those one liners are all you need from a character and Thomas's timing was pitch perfect for humor. I love the scene from "I Like You Hi", when Mord asks Thomas for advice on CJ, and he had the best response, "Well my first girlfriend was into hip hop but my ex was into try, try that". Throughout his run, Thomas was a character that could be easily in or not in an episode. It was effective, funny, and a great take on internships themselves.

So that is why I am not too ecstatic of the reveal of what Thomas turned out to be the whole time. On Thomas's last day at the park Benson wants to surprise him on a full time job at the park. However, Rigby figures out that Thomas is more than your ordinary intern. Turns out he is part of the MOM program. A spy russian operative that involving United States parks. The whole time when Thomas was used for background humor, was actually him reporting on the park employees. A very clever way to use these little moments and give it more meaning. Which is basically what Thomas was. A character whose main purpose was to be provide little moments of humor but in the end was part of something greater than what was realized. In the end, Thomas or Nicolai comes around by remembering that with every humiliating moment the park team gave him there was a genuine bond of friendship that was formed. Thomas then leaves on the run with the park members fondly looking on.

The animation in the episode is fantastic and the action is well fast paced. It is creative on bringing up past episodes to give Thomas a epic finale. It depends if you wanted to see Thomas as a more complex developed character on the show. For me, I like Thomas being what he was. A character who you could give or take. The finale given is great fun on the espionage  thriller but I could of been totally content on Thomas being a typical college kid just trying to get some credit for a class. As Rigby says at the end. "Nicolai, you'll always be Thomas to us." Ditto Rigby.

Cool Things Noticed:

1.) Benson and Audry broke up. Were they even dating?? I would of wanted to see some of that. I do love how no one remember them. That's great wink to the audience.

2.)  This episode had a real 'Merica feel to it. Do mess with US civilians! Especially our park employees!

3.)  General they survived after all. 

4.) Farewell, Thomas. You were an inspiration to all of the unpaid interns out there. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Steven Universe: Garnets Universe

Steven Universe: Garnets Universe


What Garnet Did Today As Told By Steven  

I bet the show has wanted to do a Garnet themed episode for a while. However, part of the appeal of this stoic gem is that there is some sort of mystery that surrounds her. I think the writers know this and wanted to find an alternative route for this problem.  How can the show make a  Garnet filled episode without ruining Garnets hidden secrets? Let Steven imagine the day! A clever way to not only involve the crystal gem leader but  also a great excuse to experiment with animation to which it succeeds enormously.

I am very impressed with the creativity that was put into this episode. The entire episode is basically told in the inner workings of Steven's mind and every detail never forgets this. Go back and listen to the dialogue again or remember the names of the characters of the alternative dimension. The signature of Steven is all over it which of course make it all the more funny. The animation is probably my favorite thing about this episode. The video game landscape works really well with a basic plot of finding a gem. It pays homage to all the times when we RPG and had to team with other party member to retrieve the treasure. The animation also can be more evidence to how a 12 year old might imagine their ideal world might be. Not only that but it is so visually appealing to watch and adore. I would totally be okay if the series wanted to do more this.

Even though this episode is told from the episode of Steven ,it is still very true to its characters. Garnets actions in the fantasy are no more different from her choices from reality. Because of that and the open endedness of the story, you can make the argument that Stevens imaging is not that far from the truth. Steven Universe continues to impress me with stories like this and I cannot wait to explore more about Garnet even if it is just told through the eyes of Steven.

Cool Things Noticed

  1. So many feelings line of the night: Who is that “My most favorite person in the whole world”
  2. I am really interested in what other people think of this episode. How much do you think was extracted by fact?
  3. Also, I have missed some episodes so can people tell me some things that have been revealed about Garnet?

Monday, November 17, 2014

Clarence: Pilot Expansion

Pilot Expansion

The One That Started it All


Hard to believe it has been 6 months since Clarence debuted on the Cartoon Network. What seemed like another crude obnoxious take on childhood turned out be a sweet nostalgic show reminiscing the earlier Nicktoons like Hey Arnold! The first season has shown how ordinary rational problems of kids can still be humorous, fun, and consuming as the popular fantasy shows currently airing right now.

Pilot Expansion is the pilot with the added feature of a forward and closing from the trio in their senior years. The episode introduces us to the three main characters and how they became best friends. The most unreal element to this show is how Clarence embodies pure sweet child innocence. Clarences first story involves him inviting all his classmates to his house for a slumber party with only two showing up. First, there is Jeff who has the best personality on this show. "Best" as in how great his compulsive structured persona is and how greatly it contrasts to the last chain of the group Sumo. In the first moments meeting Sumo you know you are getting the equivalent of a reckless daredevil when he promptly requests Clarence to shave his head. The rest of episode has Clarence and Sumo trying to teach Jeff what fun or being a nine year old is. This is of course ends with a beehive piñata, bee stings, and prank calling the police. While everyone thinks this might deflect Jeff from future outings with the simple minded Clarence or the chaotic Sumo, he actually declares he had fun thus beginning the magnificence tri force of their friendship.

The show is at its best when the three of them are playing off each other’s characters strengths and weaknesses. The stories always provide laughs, sentiment, and above all else a chance for younger audience to see what fun can be happening in their own neighborhood or backyard.  For older viewers it is a chance to once again relive it. Although it does not have the complexity of the world of Ooo, the conflict of the crystal gems, or the surreal world of Gumball, Clarence still fits very nicely in this new renaissance of animation that has surged through Cartoon Network.

Cool Things Noticed:
1) One thing I always forget to mention is how much I enjoy hearing kid actors playing kids. I know Tom Kenny and Skyler Page voice the main ones but it sounds like mostly everyone else are children. It is always a nice touch and the kids are great actors. It took me a while to get use to a 30 year old voice coming out of Dipper Pines.
2) I have the enthusiasm of Jeff when watching those kinds of trivia shows with the answers that Clarence comes up with.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Regular Show: "Lift Your Back"/"Eileen Flat Screen"

"Lift Your Back"/"Eileen Flat Screen"

                    A                                         B+          

 A Rigby Double Feature        

I decided to group these two together because they really work well off each other. Both episodes dive  deep into the maturity that Rigby has gained throughout this series run. The focus are the two relationships that are the most intimate to Rigby. Mordecai of course and Eileen. The episodes explore into new traits that Rigbys embodies now and points out some things that need to be addressed with his friendship with Mordecai. It is a refreshing pace to see two episodes back to back that give the total spotlight to  Rigby. I also have a feeling that it will be quite some time until we have stories like this again seeing that where the last episode left off we are going to head back to the relationships of Mordecai.

“Lift your Back” is a really strong episode because its sole focus is to display how Rigby has genuinely changed over his adventures at the park. While the audience is well aware of this, the fellow employees  unfairly still see Rigby as the ultimate slacker. Even Mordecai agrees even though we see him take full advantage of the responsibility that Rigby has gained. To prove a point that he can get a paycheck without the help of anyone, he decides to get another job. However, his lack of education gives him the only option of a back mover. A painful and degrading job anyone would backtrack but as Eileen as pointed out he got heart now and succeeds without the help of his best friend. Showing that Rigby can be a independent..racoon?

The great thing about this episode is that the conflict of Mordecai and Rigby does not make anyone in the wrong. Both bring up valid points of why they treat each other the why they do. Mordecai feels that Rigby owes him for the times where his delinquency has gotten them into trouble. Rigby feels that Mordecai cannot understand that their friendship gets them out of trouble as well. The frustration and confessions of the two main characters provides the chance to bury these conflicts in the past and accept Rigby as the changed man he is. In the end, Mordecai and Rigby's relationship feels stronger than ever even if Rigbys back does not.

“Eileen Flat Screen” or part two. Replaces Mordecai to Rigbys second best relationship in the show Eileen. The greatest element in this episode is that we get to see how much Eileen and Rigbys relationship as grown. If this was season one I totally would of believe Rigby going off with Eileen's tv to temporary play on before he somehow breaks it. However, Rigby plays the chivalric hero as not only does he rescue the tv from her beastly roommate Joanne, but he also vocally sticks up for her. We also hear what we have not visually seen happened with Eileen and Rigby. They have been hanging out alot since Mordecai and CJ got together, going to renaissance fairs or just hanging at her apartment. Which of course makes me happy all over.

Joanne is a figure that everyone has encountered before: bad roommate. Her nitpicks are ridiculous but probably are not so far off to peoples experiences living with someone like that. However, the reveal of Joanne and her tv does not come quite as fun as it should've been. The spirit in television and her heiress did not seems quite as fleshed out. But that does not really matter because the core of the episode was Rigby and Eileen. So I will forgive the anti climatic villain plot and be in total bliss of the start of something great for these two. While it seems a new beginning for Rigby, the return of Margaret questions whether Mordecai truly has begun something new or still stuck in the past.

Cool Things Noticed:
  1. If anyone can figure out who was replacing the toilet paper with saran wrap Benson has 12 dollars for you.
  2. I do not want you to think that because the second episode got a B plus because of the villain. I believe the villain might of been lackluster on purpose to provide such a good twist at the end. It was because the first one was really hard to compete with.
  3. Eileen got rid of a roommate...vacant spot for Margaret?
  4. I am happy to see Margaret back! I also cannot wait to see how the show plays it out.
  5. That guy loved Rigby as a son. Also, that guy looked a lot like Rockys coach or am I way off?

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Steven Universe: Fusion Cuisine

Steven Universe: Fusion Cuisine

Disaster Date
B +

Family has always been a very strong component of the success of Steven Universe.  Stevens love for his family is always presented in a very sweet but realistic matter. Watching them through family dynamics intertwined with supernatural elements is a humorous but sentiment take on relationships between guardians, friends, or parents. This episode introduces us to what happens when a relatively traditional family collides with an unstructured one. Though they could not be more different, what is transparent is that love they have for their children
I always assumed that it was a known fact that everyone in Beach City knows about the crystal gems and their hybrid child Steven. However, not everyone knows or accepts the magical events that partaken in this town. When a hangout date with Connie goes astray, a dinner date is setup with each respectable parents. In glorious Steven fashion, he requests for the presence of all his family members at the restaurant. As a viewer, you know that this is not going to end well but you understand why everyone goes. The gems sense there pet peeves will be the downfall and probably know ahead of time this will not end well but Stevens request comes from with such utter adoration of his family and approval of his crushes family that they agree. The date itself is of course great because Steven has no idea what a socially accepted “nuclear family” is. The escaping on a bus seems a little too rush for the episode which is my only nitpick. However, it is also nice to see families bond over their discipline for crime and punishment because nothing brings families closer together than the misery of their children.
The Connie and Steven angle of this show is a delight to watch as always. It is a very nostalgic format of dealing with a first crush. Everytime they are on screen it is like the equivalent of seeing dimples on a kitten. It also deals with very real issues of first love, like meeting the parents and the desire for acceptance. This episode also deals with the formats of families. Preaching that family can come in all different shapes and sizes. Not one family is exactly the same however, what can be equal in all families is the willingness they would go for their child's happiness.
Cool Things Noticed

  1. Garnets response to Connies Mom was brilliant. She panicked ok?
  2. Under the knife seems a bit of a nail biter. Poor Steven cannot watch again for another 1,000 years.
  3. Greg wore a sweater!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Clarence: Too Gross For Comfort

Clarence : Too Gross for Comfort


Where cooties reign as the most grotesque thing of all

It is not very often that the audience is introduced to new female characters in Clarence. But everytime the show does the episodes usually in my opinion, are some of best of the series. Stories like "Pretty Great Day with a Girl" and "Slumber Party" are great as they showcase the boys interactions with the opposite gender. The girls in Clarence can be just as fun as the boys and are as gross as this episodes points out. It would of have been so easy to make them paper thin but this  show as really fleshed out some nice stories and characters with the girls. "Too gross for Comfort continues this in the most disgusting way possible. 

The neighborhood boys like to hang out in the man cave treehouse in their freetime. It comes complete with illegal lobster racing! When Clarence invites Chelsea to join the fun, the boys sees this conduct breach of the unspoken rule: No Girls Allowed. However, Chelsea proves that she handle anything that the boys can dish out much to Sumos dismay. By the end everyone realizes the most digusting thing of all is the inevitable incoming of puberty.

This episode once again displays the great humor that Clarence engulfs. Jeffs compulsiveness and paranoia for germs works so well in this story as Jeffs perspective of what is gross greatly contrasts to all the other childerns. Who did not think his story was hilarious. Clarence trying to mediate peace but also trying to join in the crudeness is also great fun. Everytime he tries to invoke nausea it just fails miserably because of his good natureness . He tends to forget how gross he naturally is, in the end he happily lies in a dirty pool of lobsters.  I would like to see more girls featured in Clarence. I believe it is great to preach that childhood mischiefness can belong to both sexes, just watch out for raging hormones.

Cool Things Noticed:
1. "Sumo you tell one! Your whole life is gross!"
2. "I'm not sure where to start. How about at the start"
3. Last Clarence quote. I am sorry he just had a lot of good ones. "I will live in your garage!" No joke I say the same thing when my friends bring up marriage.
4. That part where Clarence puts his hand on Jeff and he subtly takes it off or when Clarence blows on his whistle. It is the minor details that really make me laugh the most at this show. 

Regular Show: The End Of Muscle Man

“ The End Of Muscle Man”


Muscle Man leaves this world out on a metaphor

The evolution of Muscle Man has truly been a pleasant to watch. For someone who was despised by Mordecai and Rigby in earlier episodes has become to be a fellow bro with them that they genuinely care for and like. The greatest part about this character is the he always been a cool dude, it is just that the boys never took the time to realize it. Episodes like “Mentor Muscle” and “My Mom” shows the complexities of Mitch. Although he comes off as an obnoxious prankster he is also a responsible hard worker who very much enjoys the company of our protagonists. At the end of the day after all the craziness the park entails it is nice to know that all the employees got your back. The End of Muscle Man exemplifies this point by the lengths his friends are willing to go in order for Muscle man to have one last good day on earth.

Honestly, who truly touched me the most out of this episode was Benson. He really took the reins to make sure everything on Mitch’s bucket list gets checked off. Even if it means taking out that wallet again and again to cover the insurance that is Muscle man. His sentiment is fully realized at the emotional speech given at dinner honoring his friend. It is a nice reminder of how great a guy Benson is. Though barely seen out of his work persona, this episode showcases that his job truly does not define his character. There was also no conflict between any of the character in this plot. As soon as the skepticism of the death of Muscle man is shattered there are no more questions asked. It shows the unity of the park in dire times and it is a rather touching one. It also makes the third act reveal a very funny one.

Regular Show rarely does not have a fairly rationale episode where nothing surreal happens but besides death, End of Muscle Man really relies on the relationship between these friends. 158 episodes of Regular Show have been an abstract experience but it has always displayed the bromance between the characters. I just hope next time Benson will not have to blow 12k when Muscle Man dies or maybe I should be more concern if he even shows up.

Cool Things Noticed
1.      Congrats Mitch and Starla! I certainly cannot wait for episodes surrounding your wedding.
2.      “Where he is going is a place of misery and anguish” I freaking love death.
3.      Can you feed pizza to a dolphin?
4.      People Missed: No Thomas! Where is that intern at? And Muscle Mans Mom was not in attendance. Maybe he still has not forgiven her for that Halloween prank.
5.      Also, apparently I am behind. So I will post two regular shows this week. Hurrah!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Clarence: Belson's Sleepover

Clarence: Belson's Sleepover

Nothing is scarier than that


Continuing Cartoon Networks fright night, Clarence and the gang heads to Belsons house for a slumber party. Of course, nothing is simple when it comes to Belson. If one of them can survive all the pranks in the night they win his new video game system. Throw in some nice reference to some horror classics such as House on Haunted Hill and Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the originals not the remakes! cannot stress that enough) and you got the making of a delightfully spirited halloween episode.

Rules are simple. Abide by Belsons every command. I said the rules were simple but not easy to complete, especially for these boys who all sort of loathe Belson with the exception of Clarence. It is a really fun episode so I will not give away  too much. But I think the show is strongest when it has a abundance of characters in a certain location. For example, the dinner party episode was a great episode because each character is so memorable and work off each other so well that the plot does not become burden by all of them. This episode is no different, mischief night at Belsons takes me back to old 90's cartoons. Just boys being boys and sometimes you do need more than that. I will admit though seeing trash thrown on Belson never felt so satisfying.

Cool Things Noticed:
1. Favorite Scene of the Night: Jeff trying to bond with Belsons Mom. He seems to believe he is making progress. 
2. That Charlie Brown boy lost early in the night and celebrated by eating his dinner while staring at a Lara Croft poster. I feel this would be the response from boys ranging from 8-25.
3. Belson toothpaste a boys balls?!?! This made me think he was sort of sadistic but going all leatherface at the end of the episode confirms his insanity. 

Steven Universe: Keep Beach City Weird

Steven Universe: Keep Beach City Weird

Oh those crazy Frymans


Like I stated in earlier posts, I have not kept up with the early episodes of Steven Universe. So I am not sure if this is Ronaldos first appearance. But we have seen the younger fryman having issues with pleasing his Dad and the work labor of the restaurant. Ronaldos problem can not have been different from young Pee Dees. While Pee Dee has relatable rationale problems, Ronaldo is having issues distinguishing reality from fantasy. I can see why Steven feels the necessity to help them out because the Frymans are a dysfunctional bunch.

Steven Universe like to reverse the roles of adults and children on this show. Most of kids act grown up while the older people seem to act more childish. Ronaldo has got it in his head that Snakepeople have invaded Beach City and he has a blog to prove it. Steven first becomes absorbed in the insanity of his conspiracy until the gems quickly reason out the incidents were all related to them. This of course leaves Ronaldo with a broken spirit and Steven wants to restore it. Pee Dee acts as the disapproving parent of Ronaldos theories until he sees what the belief of Snakepeople did for him. Both of the children decide to let the elder recede into fantasy as this makes Ronaldo happy. 

I do believe it is sweet how Pee Dee accepts his brothers strangeness if it makes him find joy in his life. Much like a parent not revealing the truth of our favorite holiday mascots. But at a certain point a child grows up and figures out the truth eventually. I do hope Ronaldo has the same epiphany in the near future as well. 

Cool Things Noticed:
1. Steven Tag requires that shape shifting of the gems. Did the gems always have this power? Was it a certain episode that they get it?
2. "Can't trust facts and books"
3. Keep Beach City Weird would still work without snakepeople. You live on a beach with Crystal Gems constantly saving the world from danger! Literally a giant eyeball almost took out the world surely that requires a post. 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Regular Show:Terror Tales of the Park (Part 4)

Regular Show: Tales of the Terror Park

Your favorite Park Employees ring in the Halloween Festivities with Haunting Stories


It is my favorite time of year in the park. Tradition has it that each week leading up to all Hallows eve that the park workers will swap ghostly stories sure to entertain and set the creepy mood just in time for the holiday. Much like the Simpsons Tree House of Horror yearly episodes, they feature humorous but spooky vignettes to pump up anyone ready for Halloween.This years central story that inhabits the employees tales involves meeting Muscle Mans mom. You know, the punchline to all of Mitch's jokes. While he tries to stall, Pops, Benson, and Rigby share a story to past the time.

Each story pays homage to some sort of Halloween trope. Pops first tale tries to set the horror but the good nature of Pops prevents a haunting tale which is not only funny but also offers the campiness that surrounds terror. Bensons complicated twist ending was a great reference to the films that throw away plot just for the sake of the reveal. It also featured some great surreal imagery of the ghost versions of Mordecai and Rigby. Rigbys tale is an great reference to "The Ring" and also puts the best genres of horror cinema. The slasher tale  also poked fun at the cliches of scary films which made for great comedy.

I love the Regular Show tradition and I hope they continue throughout the years to come. They are fun, creative, and a great way for the animators to experiment with  travel size stories. The main plot is also just as alluring as the novellas. When the gang finally makes it to Muscle Man Mothers house will they been in for a treat or a trick?

Cool things Noticed
1. Minty Lewis (Eileen) storyboarded Pops story. What a talented lady!
2. High five ghost has a skeleton in The Hole story.
3. "Barber told me to meet him here. Made sense at the time."
4. "Well that was uncomfortable"
5. Anyone see any Regular Show costumes this Halloween? 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Review: Over the Garden Wall

Over the Garden Wall

A Journey Through Wonderland Under the Harvest Moon

How can I describe the utter glee that comes from watching this new mini series from Cartoon Network. It is impossible not to be charmed, entranced, absorbed, and mystified by this show. Animation Domination might be a slogan used on Fox but clearly the art of story belongs on this channel and Over the Garden Wall is a prime example of this.

Cartoon Network is advertising this as a five night mystery event and honestly the less you know the better because no mind should be spoiled with details of this rare gem. It is created by Pat Mchale a long contributor of Adventure Time so if you love the creativity of Oooo then you will surely love this. Mchale and his crew put their hearts and souls into this and you can tell by the vibrant animation and the quirky atmosphere the show entails.

The basic plot is Wirt (Elijah Wood) and his little brother (A adorable Colin Dean) get lost in this mysterious wood and are trying to find their way home. On this journey they encounter countless characters and locations. What is the most fun is that you are experiencing this new world with them and also trying to decipher the delightful oddity of this place. It is filled with original music and songs, humor, sentiment, and darkness. If Mark Twain took a stab at a Grimm fairy tale this would be it. Do yourself a favor and tune in this week for Over the Garden Wall, it will be a wonder for the eyes and heart. Cartoon Network and Mchale give your self a pat on the back for giving your audience such a delicious treat this fall.

Overall grade of the Series: