Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Steven Universe: Keep Beach City Weird

Steven Universe: Keep Beach City Weird

Oh those crazy Frymans


Like I stated in earlier posts, I have not kept up with the early episodes of Steven Universe. So I am not sure if this is Ronaldos first appearance. But we have seen the younger fryman having issues with pleasing his Dad and the work labor of the restaurant. Ronaldos problem can not have been different from young Pee Dees. While Pee Dee has relatable rationale problems, Ronaldo is having issues distinguishing reality from fantasy. I can see why Steven feels the necessity to help them out because the Frymans are a dysfunctional bunch.

Steven Universe like to reverse the roles of adults and children on this show. Most of kids act grown up while the older people seem to act more childish. Ronaldo has got it in his head that Snakepeople have invaded Beach City and he has a blog to prove it. Steven first becomes absorbed in the insanity of his conspiracy until the gems quickly reason out the incidents were all related to them. This of course leaves Ronaldo with a broken spirit and Steven wants to restore it. Pee Dee acts as the disapproving parent of Ronaldos theories until he sees what the belief of Snakepeople did for him. Both of the children decide to let the elder recede into fantasy as this makes Ronaldo happy. 

I do believe it is sweet how Pee Dee accepts his brothers strangeness if it makes him find joy in his life. Much like a parent not revealing the truth of our favorite holiday mascots. But at a certain point a child grows up and figures out the truth eventually. I do hope Ronaldo has the same epiphany in the near future as well. 

Cool Things Noticed:
1. Steven Tag requires that shape shifting of the gems. Did the gems always have this power? Was it a certain episode that they get it?
2. "Can't trust facts and books"
3. Keep Beach City Weird would still work without snakepeople. You live on a beach with Crystal Gems constantly saving the world from danger! Literally a giant eyeball almost took out the world surely that requires a post. 


  1. Ronaldo has appeared in some bit parts in previous episodes, but this is the first one he's had a starring role in. Interestingly, "Keep Beach City Weird" is an actual blog run in-character as Ronaldo. Most of the posts are random musings, but occasionally it will include content from Ronaldo's experiences in an episode. He took a picture of Steven's cat fingers in "Cat Fingers", and revised his opinion on wrestling after he ate a clothesline from Amythest in "Tiger Millionaire". Fun stuff.

    This episode didn't come together for me like I was hoping it would. Ronaldo's existential crisis over coming to terms with his own insignificance made for a great character moment, but the episode seemed to go out of its way to muddle that message and reverse any character development he might have experienced by episode's end. I think I would have liked this one more if they stuck to their guns on the episode's theme.

  2. I think your third Cool Thing Noticed is right on the money. What is Ronaldo's latest theory by the end of the episode? Polymorphous sentient rocks! Sure, he's still mistaken in thinking it's some big secret conspiracy and he's got the inside scoop. And "Let's just humor him" is a disappointing note for an episode to end on. But I was cheered to see that his new "something bigger" was at least somewhat closer to reality.
    Especially since Pearl's speech about the supposed mundanity and insignificance of human life was rather harsh. I wonder why the Gems take such trouble to protect it, if that's the case.

  3. The Gems' motives for defending Earth are a very interesting plot point. We've seen that their commitment to the planet has alienated themselves from the rest of Gem culture, to the point of even requiring an open rebellion against their comrades. Lapis hinted that Rose Quartz's affinity for humanity was the exception rather than the norm, and while the Gems do defend humanity they have expressed no desire to integrate themselves into human culture or ingratiate themselves to the locals. I've heard it theorized that the Gems mostly just subdue their corrupted kin and try to preserve what remains of Gem culture, but Lapis' speech to Steven seems to imply that there was some divide over their specific commitment to Earth. Very fascinating and I hope we see more on it soon.
